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JUDGING JESUS - Who He Really Is
John 19:1-16 :

By Rev Dr Gordon Moyes

In our study of John's Gospel, the last three weeks have seen us discuss different aspects of Pilate's judgement of Jesus including his questions about truth in the light of the untrue accusations against him, and the way Pilate bowed to the pressure of the crowd. Tonight we consider Pilate judging Jesus. Jesus was brought to face judgement seven times. Before Annas and members of the Sanhedrin, the High Priest Caiaphas, Governor Pilate, King Herod, Pilate for a second time, and finally when Pilate brought Jesus before the people and pronounced to them that he found no basis for judging Jesus, the people rejected messiah and passed judgement on him. And Pilate, bowing to political pressure from the high priests and the will of the people, sentenced Jesus, a man whom he had just pronounced unworthy of death or any punishment, to death by crucifixion. There is new evidence concerning Pontius Pilate. The Australian historian Paul Barnett writes, “For an otherwise obscure governor of a minor province, with a small military command, Pontius Pilate is remarkably well attested in ancient sources”.


Recently some coins Pilate had minted in 29 to 31AD have been found. They bear Roman religious symbols that the Jews despised. This caused a conflict between Pilate and the Jews. In 1961 two archaeologists excavating the Mediterranean port of Caesarea uncovered a two-by-three foot marble plaque with an inscription in Latin: “Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea, has presented the Tiberium to the Caesareans.” Here was historical proof of the existence of Pilate.

Pilate is mentioned in the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, but also by Josephus the Jewish historian. Philo, the Greek-speaking philosopher in Egypt who describes “his venality, his violence, his thefts, his assaults, his abusive behaviour, his frequent executions of untried prisoners, and his endless savage ferocity.” Cornelius Tactitus, the greatest Roman historian said Pilate was a cruel and anti-Semitic governor. He provoked the Jews, defied their religious sensitivities and flouted the Roman convention of not causing trouble among conquered people. Pilate was head of the Province's judicial system and taxation collection, paying funds for provincial needs, and forwarding the rest to Rome.

Twice Pilate's Jewish subjects exerted pressure upon him by threatening to complain to Rome about him. Philo says the Jews reported Pilate to Emperor Tiberius, who warned Pilate when Pilate violently squashed a demonstration at Mt Gerazim executing the ringleaders. Pilate was suspended and recalled to Rome in 37AD. He suicided in 39AD. Pilate was vacillating and uncertain due to the time of the trial of Jesus. Emperor Tiberias instituted a soft policy towards the Jews, following a period of anti-Semitism under his prefect Sejanus whom he executed. A decree went out from the Emperor that Governors should treat the Jews with fairness. Pilate's behaviour towards the Jews changed dramatically. He now bent over backwards to appease them. The Sanhedrin knew that, and threatened Pilate “If you let this Jesus man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.” John 19:16


During Passover, Jewish patriotism was at fever pitch. The governor was alert to suppress any sign of rebellion. Of the “many things” of which Jesus was accused before Pilate Mark 15:3 three are named: Lk 23:2 perverting the nation by exciting the crowds; forbidding giving of tribute to Caesar; claiming to be king. This accusation appears in all four gospels. Each repeats the word at least four times (John twelve times) in recounting Jesus' trial and crucifixion. John says the accusers avowed their own exclusive loyalty to Caesar. John 19:12,15 The gospels depict Pilate as perplexed, uncertain, and anxious to shift the decision to others. He sends Jesus to Herod Antipas, Luke 23:6-13 who was visiting Jerusalem, but Herod had no jurisdiction there. Pilate then seeks to release Jesus instead of Barabbas, but is overruled by the clamour of the mob stirred up by the priests.

So Pilate washes his hands, disclaiming any responsibility for Jesus death. Matt. 27:24 Pilate appeased the Jews to save his own hide. Three non-Christian writers mention Pilate's role in the death of Jesus. The Roman historian Tacitus states Pilate had Jesus executed. The Jewish historian Josephus, adds Pilate did so upon Jesus' being accused by prominent Jews of stirring up rebellion, although Jesus not involved in any political activity. But this was why the Romans executed him. Luke reported Luke 23:12 that after Jesus' trial Pilate and Herod Antipas became friends. Only recently Herod too had executed someone very similar to Jesus, John the Baptist, whose teachings were so popular.


The judgement area of the palace of the Roman Governor Pilate has been excavated and is known as Lithostrotos, or Gabbatha, the place of judgement. On the raised platform or bema stood the large judgement seat from which Roman justice was dispensed. Pilate was fetched from his slumbers as the first roosters crowed at the dawn of what was to be forever known as “Good Friday”. That night, Jesus was dragged through a series of illegal trials by the Jewish religious system. Annas, the godfather of an ecclesiastical dynasty, examined him in his house. Jesus was then dragged next door and before the current High Priest, the crafty Caiaphas, the son-in-law of Annas. His burial box for his bones, with his name upon it, was discovered four years ago. After being abused, Jesus was roughly taken to the chamber of The Sanhedrin, where a hastily assembled group, met illegally in a pre-dawn assembly. Caiaphas declared that it was essential for the sake of the nation that Jesus be put to death immediately. They did not need a fair trial. What they needed was a verdict! The Sanhedrin had no power to execute Jesus. So they sought the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate to grant execution quickly. They wanted the end before the people were aware what was happening. Jesus was dragged, still bound, from the Sanhedrin past the Temple area to the Tower of Antonia in the first light before sunrise. Pilate examined Jesus. He then sent Jesus back to the Jews declaring he could find no fault in Jesus, nothing worthy of death. But the Jews sent him back.

They threatened that if Pilate did not find Jesus guilty and sentence Him to death, then the High Priests and Sanhedrin would themselves report Pilate to Rome as being indifferent to the threat of Roman security in the region. Pilate tried to release Jesus, as part of an amnesty granting a prisoner release each Passover. But the Jews would have no part of that. They would rather have a patriot, Jesus Barabbas, arrested for offences against the Romans, released instead of Jesus. Pilate's wife urged him to release Jesus, as she dreamed of trouble if anything was done to Jesus. But faced with the blackmail of the scheming priests, he dismissed his wife's fears and handed Jesus over to be crucified. The Governor had shown he wanted peace at any price. There on the Lithostrotos, the viceregal Pilate, clothed in his leather, purple robe and brass, faced his prisoner, whose hands were bound, his head and face bloodied, wearing only a seamless, homespun robe.

Their eyes were steady for they each knew Pilate would deny justice rather than be questioned by his superiors from Rome. Truth, justice, integrity were being sacrificed for expediency and Pilate's personal safety. Pilate asked: “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Does this question come from you or have others told you about me?” Pilate replied: “Do you think I am a Jew? It was your own people and chief priests who handed you over to me. What have you done?”. Jesus said: “My Kingdom does not belong to this world; if My Kingdom belonged to this world, My followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish authorities. No, my Kingdom does not belong here!”

So Pilate asked him: “Are you a king then?”. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a King. I was born and came into the world for this one purpose, to speak about the truth. Whoever belongs to the truth listens to me.” “And what is truth?” Pilate asked. Without waiting for an answer, he walked out to the Jews and washed his hands of the whole matter. John 18:33-38 Jesus response and Pilate's question are as valid today as at anytime in human history. Truth was integral to the nature and purpose of Jesus “I was born and came into the world for this one purpose, to speak about the truth. Whoever belongs to the truth listens to me.” Pilate was concerned for his own skin not for truth.

Jesus was a person of integrity. He advocated living a life of truth. So His followers are committed to truth. Further His task was to speak about the truth. “…this one purpose, to speak about the truth.” No one ever accused Jesus of speaking a lie. But this means more: it means not only speaking the truth but speaking about the truth. Like Jesus, we should witness to God whose very nature is truth and to Jesus who said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Further still, His followers would listen to truth. “Whoever belongs to the truth listens to Me.” Jesus claimed that those who belonged to truth would listen to His word, and those who sought truth would ultimately find Him. Those who live by the values of this world sneer at the necessity of truth. “And what is truth?” they ask with Pilate. Their characters are untouched by truth. Their tasks do not take truth into account. Neither do they listen to truth.

Christian people must choose to live a life of truth like that of Jesus, rather than a life of expediency like that of Pilate. How many people do you know who say one thing but when the test is on, vacillate and go the other way? How many people in our nation cannot be relied upon to stand up for what they know to be true? When the tough times comes, many melt into the crowd. In church and politics, at work and among friends, choose to be like Jesus and listen to truth and speak truth, stand up for truth and witness bravely. Compromisers and appeasers surround us and fill places of importance like Pilate. Regardless of the personal cost, stand up with Jesus who is truth and integrity.

In all fields of life, men and women of integrity are required. Men and women who will listen to truth, speak truth and stand up for truth. In a morally corrupt and compromising world, Christians must stand incorruptible and uncompromising. Once the Prophet Amos, picture God holding a plumbline to measure people against its perfect line, to see if he could find a man who was straight and true. Amos 7 Once Pilate was to judge Jesus, but ever since, people have seen that against the straight and true character of Jesus, Pilate was found wanting. Two men were at the Judgement seat that day. But only one was judged! Do you ever judge Jesus? They who spend their time judging Jesus, find themselves, judged by Him and are found wanting!


“PONTIUS PILATE” Helen K Bond CUP 1998
“The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible”. 1962

By Rev Dr Gordon Moyes: 17th October 2004

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